In an era where cyber threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated, ensuring robust cyber security measures is paramount for any business. Achieving the Cyber Essentials Plus Certification is a significant step in safeguarding your organisation against cyber-attacks. The Unite Group is here to guide you through this rigorous certification process with our in-house qualified cyber assessors, ensuring your business meets the highest standards of cybersecurity. 

What is Cyber Essentials Plus Certification? 

Cyber Essentials Plus Certification is an advanced level of the Cyber Essentials scheme, a government-backed initiative in the UK designed to help organisations protect themselves from common cyber threats. While the basic Cyber Essentials certification involves a self-assessment, Cyber Essentials Plus requires a thorough, hands-on technical audit by certified professionals to verify that the necessary security measures are effectively implemented. 

The Importance of Cyber Essentials Plus 

Achieving Cyber Essentials Plus Certification not only enhances your organisation’s security posture but also demonstrates to clients, partners, and stakeholders that you are committed to protecting sensitive information. This certification is often a prerequisite for bidding on government contracts and is increasingly being demanded by private sector clients as well. 

The Unite Group: Your Trusted Partner in Cyber Security 

At The Unite Group, we understand the complexities and challenges associated with achieving Cyber Essentials Plus Certification. Our team of in-house qualified cyber assessors possesses the expertise and experience to guide you through every step of the process, ensuring a smooth and successful certification journey. 

Comprehensive Assessment and Gap Analysis 

The first step in the Cyber Essentials Plus Certification process is a comprehensive assessment of your current cyber security measures. Our experts will conduct a thorough gap analysis to identify any weaknesses or areas that require improvement. This involves evaluating your network infrastructure, software applications, and security policies against the stringent requirements of the Cyber Essentials Plus framework. 

Tailored Action Plan 

Based on the findings of the gap analysis, we will develop a tailored action plan to address any deficiencies. This plan will outline the specific steps needed to bring your cyber security measures up to the required standard. Our team will work closely with you to implement these measures, providing expert guidance and support throughout the process. 

Hands-On Technical Audit 

The core of the Cyber Essentials Plus Certification process is the hands-on technical audit. Unlike the self-assessment required for the basic Cyber Essentials certification, this audit involves rigorous testing of your security controls by our certified assessors. This includes vulnerability scans, configuration reviews, and penetration testing to ensure that your systems are resilient against potential cyber-attacks. 

Continuous Monitoring and Support 

Achieving Cyber Essentials Plus Certification is not a one-time event; it requires ongoing vigilance and maintenance. At The Unite Group, we offer continuous monitoring and support to ensure that your cybersecurity measures remain effective over time. Our managed IT services include regular security assessments, updates, and incident response planning to keep your systems secure against evolving threats. 

Benefits of Partnering with The Unite Group 

Expertise and Experience:  

  1. Our team of qualified cyber assessors has extensive experience in guiding businesses through the Cyber Essentials Plus Certification process. We understand the nuances and requirements of the framework, ensuring that your organisation meets the highest standards of cyber security. 

Tailored Solutions 

  1. We recognise that every business is unique. Our approach is customised to your specific needs and challenges, providing targeted solutions that address your organisation’s vulnerabilities. 

Proactive Approach 

  1. Cyber security is an ongoing process. We adopt a proactive approach, continuously monitoring and improving your security measures to stay ahead of potential threats. 

Peace of Mind:  

  1. With The Unite Group by your side, you can have peace of mind knowing that your cyber security is in expert hands. Our comprehensive support and guidance ensure that you achieve and maintain Cyber Essentials Plus Certification, safeguarding your business against cyber-attacks. 


In today’s digital landscape, achieving Cyber Essentials Plus Certification is a critical step in protecting your organisation from cyber threats. The Unite Group is dedicated to helping you navigate this process with ease and confidence. Our in-house qualified cyber assessors provide the expertise, support, and tailored solutions needed to achieve and maintain the highest standards of cyber security. Don’t leave your organisation vulnerable—contact The Unite Group today to start your journey towards Cyber Essentials Plus Certification and ensure your business is secure against cyber threats.