cyber essentials support man with a laptop

In this blog we talk through the guidance you can seek for Cyber Essentials support.

So, you’ve realised you need a Cyber Essentials certification but you are unsure where to start?

Well here at The Unite Group, we strongly recommend using a registered, qualified Cyber Essentials awarding body. Like our team here! This is because qualified assessors can guide you through the process to ensure your company completes the certification criteria correctly. By accessing Cyber Essentials support you are likely to achieve the certification much faster. Although you could go through the process without support, it is likely to be time-consuming for you. Instead, we recommend you seek Cyber Essentials support from experts who understand the rules and regulations. As well as how to apply them to a business.

What is a Cyber Essentials certification?

Before we dive into how to seek support through gaining the Cyber Essentials certification. Let’s first cover what the certification is. Cyber Essentials is a scheme that helps you guard your organisation against cyber attacks. It is a government-backed scheme to provide protection against the most common cyber-attacks.

There are two levels of certification that can be achieved.

Cyber Essentials

This is the most basic option. The assessment includes a self-assessment question. This certification gives peace of mind that you have the basic measures of protection in place. Click here to read more about this certification and how we can provide Cyber Essentials support.

Cyber Essentials Plus

This is a higher-level certification and demonstrates you are taking precautions against attacks. Achieving this certification includes the same self-assessment as Cyber Essentials as well as an external vulnerability scan & internal testing. Click here to read more about this certification.

Can you fail Cyber Essentials?

Yes! This certification requires an assessment and therefore it is possible to fail. However, if you are guided through the process by a qualified assessor this is unlikely. This is a further reason why we recommend seeking Cyber Essentials support.

A fail will incur further costs to re-sit the assessment. As well as any additional support you then seek in order to do so. Therefore having support from an awarding body, such as ourselves, right from the start can prevent any additional costs.

Do I need to renew Cyber Essentials?

Yes! Cyber Essentials certifications must be renewed annually to ensure all procedures are up to date. This also ensures you are protected against the latest types of cyber attacks.

Here at The Unite Group, you can take out our Cyber Essentials support on a monthly payment basis. Not only does this split the cost. This also means we will support you annually when you must renew your certification.

Our pricing for your managed Cyber Essentials certification is £800, this can be split into 10 payments of £80.

Cyber Essentials Plus starts at £1200, again this can be managed with 10 payments of £120.

Cyber Essentials support

As an awarding body with Cyber Essentials qualified assessors in-house. We can provide support throughout the whole process. From defining the scope right up to preparing for the examination. Our dedicated, friendly team is on hand to help wherever you require a little extra support.

Are you ready to take the first steps in achieving your Cyber Essentials certification?

Why not arrange a free consultation with our team today where we can discuss in depth the Cyber Essentials process. As well as which certification would be needed to support your business. Use the booking system below to select a time that is convenient for you.

Alternatively, contact us today by giving us a call today or dropping us an email.