5 cyber essentials

In this blog, we cover the 5 cyber essentials elements. The Cyber Essentials certification assessment covers all 5 of these areas. Certification can only be achieved if all 5 areas are in place within a business.

Cyber Essentials

As covered in previous blogs, Cyber Essentials is a Government backed scheme. Which aims to protect your business against 80% of the most common cyber threats & attacks. Here at The Unite Group, we are a Cyber Essentials awarding body. With in-house Cyber Essentials qualified assessors. Therefore we can provide support throughout the process. As well as complete the final assessment.

The 5 Cyber Essentials

The Cyber Essentials scheme can be broken down into 5 sections. Below we cover each and explain its importance. As well as its relevance in protecting you against cyber-attacks.

Secure Configuration

This involves ensuring all your devices are using the most secure settings and software. We all know it can be easy to forget to remove software or users you no longer use. However, this is extremely important! These simple changes can protect you again potential cyber-attacks. Such changes include simply changing your passwords regularly. As well as ensuring you only have the software you use on your devices. These measures are quick to do and efficient at protecting your data from being compromised.

Software Updates

Likewise, software updates are also a very effective way to protect your data. Therefore, the Cyber Essentials scheme ensures all devices carry out updates to ensure they stay up-to-date with the latest software. Software updates not only include new features. But also security patches that protect you against the newest cyber-attacks and vulnerabilities. Cyber Essentials cannot be achieved if all devices are not kept up to date on the latest updates.

Access Control

As part of the Cyber Essentials assessment, it covers who has access to your files. Within busy businesses, this is something than can be overlooked. However, it is very important! Are you sure only those who need access to your files can? Do all your staff really need access to the files they currently can?  We recommend having managed access to an administrator account. This, therefore, means you can protect who has access to your data and services.

Firewalls & Routers

Furthermore, Firewalls & Routers also make up one of the Cyber Essentials. Firewalls are designed to protect businesses from users who are not authorised from gaining access. Therefore by having a firewall in place, you create a so-called ‘buffer zone between your IT network and any other external links. Having these measures in place allows you to analyse incoming traffic. Meaning you are in complete control of who has access to your account. This massively protects your business from hackers.

Malware Protection

Malware protection is the final key part of the Cyber Essentials scheme. Using properly configured anti-malware software will protect you from viruses and other malware risks. Anti-malware software will only allow trusted applications to run which reduces the risk of unsafe applications running in the background without you knowing.

With cyber-attacks on the rise, you can’t afford to not protect your business from cybercrimes!

 Are you ready to take the first steps in achieving a Cyber Essentials Certification and protecting your business?

Why not arrange a free consultation with our team today where we can discuss in depth the Cyber Essentials process. As well as which certification would be needed to support your business. Use the booking system below to select a time that is convenient for you.

Alternatively, contact us today by giving us a call or dropping us an email.