Test your knowledge with our Cyber Essentials Quiz. If you’ve been following our blogs for a while you should be pretty clued up on Cyber Essentials by now! If you’re not sure you know quite enough about Cyber Essentials just yet, click here to go to our Cyber Essentials archive. To brush up on your knowledge first.
Once you’ve completed our Cyber Essentials quiz, test your knowledge using the answers at the bottom of the page.
Cyber Essentials Quiz
This quiz consists of 15 questions that cover the basics of the Cyber Essentials scheme.
Question 1
Finish the sentence – Cyber Essentials is a …
- Government-backed scheme
- an Anti-Virus software
- service from Microsoft
Question 2
Finish the sentence – Cyber Essentials offers protection from…
- hard drive failure
- Cyber Threats
- broadband failure
Question 3
Who is Cyber Essentials developed and operated by?
- UK Government
Question 4
Finish the sentence – Cyber Essentials is for
- Large Organisations
- One-man bands
- Organisations of all sizes
Question 5
True or False? – Cyber Essentials & the Cyber Essentials Plus certification both use the same self-assessment questionnaire?
- True
- False
Question 6
How long is a Cyber Essentials certification valid for?
- 6 months
- 12 months
- 3 years
Question 7
True or False? – Malware Protection is one of the 5 key areas Cyber Essentials covers and assesses?
- True
- False
Question 8
Fill in the blank – Having a Cyber Essentials certification offers you protection from around ___% of the most basic cybercrimes.
- 50%
- 75%
- 80%
Question 9
True or False? – To bid for contracts working with either the Government or the Ministry of Defence, organisations must hold a Cyber Essentials certification?
- True
- False
Question 10
True or False? – The Unite Group has qualified Cyber Essentials assessors in-house?
- True
- False
Question 11
In 2021, what percentage of businesses identified a cyber-attack on their business?
- 26%
- 39%
- 44%
Question 12
In 2021, what was the average cost of a cyber-attack on a small business?
- £1500
- £4200
- £3500
Question 13
How many questions are in the Cyber Essentials self-assessment questionnaire in total?
- 100
- 50
- 70
Question 14
True or False? – The Unite Group can assist you and your business throughout the entire Cyber Essentials certification process.
- True
- False
Question 15
True or False? – With cyber threats & attacks on the rise, there has never been a more important time to consider achieving a Cyber Essentials certification.
- True
- False
The Answers
How do you think you did? Let’s check the answers.
1. A 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. A 11. B 12. B 13. C 14. A 15. A
So, did you know as much as you thought after taking our Cyber Essentials quiz?
If you scored high, well done! Now you’re an expert in the basics of Cyber Essentials it’s time to start thinking about achieving a certification. Here at The Unite Group, we can assist and guide you throughout the process to ensure your organisation meets the necessary criteria.
If you scored lower than you expected then we are here to help! Not only do we have an archive of blogs. But we also have qualified Cyber Essentials assessors in-house to assist you and your business. Why not arrange a call today to chat with our team and learn more about the Cyber Essentials scheme.