
Today we join the celebrations of World Password Day by reminding you of the dangers of not using strong passwords. As well as, sharing top tips to create strong passwords. The internet is a dangerous place. That’s why we all need to be more careful about how we handle our online security. Strong passwords are your first line of defense against cybercrime and they’re actually pretty easy to create! So come along as we dive into the world of strong passwords and see how you can protect yourself from hackers in just five easy steps.

Be aware of the latest threats

You should also be aware of the latest threats and how they affect you. The first step is to stay up to date on new developments in password security, which can be done by following actively checking the National Cyber Security Centre website. Or by speaking with your IT support provider, such as our team here at The Unite Group.

The consequences of being unaware of the latest threats are dire: if your password is compromised because it was too easy to guess or crack, then all your accounts could be hacked as well! This could result in identity theft or even financial loss.

Use different passwords for each service you use

  • Use a password manager to store all of your passwords.
  • Use different passwords for each service you use.
  • Don’t use the same password for two services, even if they’re related (for example, don’t use the same password for both Facebook and Instagram).
  • Don’t use your email address or name as a password (it’s too easy to guess).
  • Don’t use common words that could be found in any dictionary–especially when those words are part of something personal about yourself (like your birthday).

Use a password manager to manage your passwords

A password manager is a tool that stores your passwords, often in an encrypted format. The benefit of using one is that it can create strong passwords for you and then remember them for each website or service you sign up for. This way, all your passwords are unique and significantly harder to crack than if they were all the same.

You should use a password manager on all your devices so that any device has access to the same data without having to enter it manually each time (which could lead to forgetting). Most password managers also allow users to store credit card details or other sensitive information securely in case someone gets hold of their device somehow – this makes recovering from this kind of breach much easier!

Use a unique and long password for each account

The most important thing you can do to protect your accounts is to use a unique, long password for every account. If you’re having trouble remembering all of your passwords and login information, try using a password manager as mentioned above.

We recommend using a range of numbers, symbols and both uppercase and lowercase letters within your password to create a complex password. Shorter passwords also become easier to guess, so try to ensure your passwords are always over 8 characters long.

Don’t use dictionary words or personal information in passwords

  • Avoid dictionary words, personal information, and other common passwords.
  • Don’t use the same password for multiple accounts.
  • Don’t create passwords that are easy to guess (such as your birthday or pet’s name).

Strong passwords are your first line of defense against cybercrime

Strong passwords are your first line of defense against cybercrime. A strong password is hard to guess and easy to remember, which makes it much harder for someone else to steal your identity or break into your accounts.

Let’s recap top tips to create a strong password that’s both secure and memorable:

  • Use a password manager
  • Use different passwords for each service you use, even if they’re all from the same company (e.g., Facebook, Gmail)
  • Make sure your passwords are at least 8 characters long
  • Change your passwords regularly (e.g. every month)


As you can see, there are many ways to create strong passwords. The most important thing is to use different passwords for each service you use and make sure they are unique and long. You should also use a password manager to help manage all of your passwords so that they are safe even if you get hacked by cyber criminals!

If you would like to learn more about measures you can put in place to best protect your business from falling risk to cybercrime, visit our cyber security blog archive or speak to our experienced team today!